What we offer
Retailers can now benefit from the growing number of books being distributed by Booktopia Publisher Services (BPS) with regular trade discounts. Click here for the books we distribute.
In addition, booksellers are entitled to a further 12.5% discount on the sale price of any other item available on Booktopia.
There are no minimum quantities, and postage is free on any order over $99 with orders under $99 only incurring a flat $9.99 shipping fee.
How to get started
You can get started in two easy steps:
1. Simply create a regular Booktopia account if you don’t already have one at https://www.booktopia.com.au/sign-in.ep
2. Advise us at retailer@booktopia.com.au of the email address you've used and your postcode, and your Territory Account Manager will then contact you about how to access all BPS services and titles.
Supporting the book trade
BPS is committed to a stronger book trade in Australia, and we’re here to work with book retailers and publishers alike to ensure sales to Australian customers stay in Australia. We take the view that a rising tide lifts all boats, and we are committed to seeing bookshops in Australia succeed and prosper.
We understand that a lot of bookshops in Australia may look at Booktopia as their competitor. All we ask is that you give BPS a try, and you’ll see that we’re here to offer you great deals, great service and an unwavering commitment to helping all local booksellers succeed.